road closure list attached...check your homeowners policy to see if you could be reimbursed..We will work all night tonight on restoration...
Con Ed has assigned more staff to work with the town. As a result, the Greenburgh Public Works team will be working all night with Con Ed restoration crews on re-opening roads. A list of the current road closures is attached. Although every official (including me) has been beating up on Con Ed for not having enough crews to restore power quickly -- I'd like to compliment the employees Con Ed assigns to work with the town. they are very dedicated and trying very hard. The team that Con Ed has sent to the town recognizes the difficulties many residents are experiencing. They, like town staff, want to see you have electric power restored quickly.
If you're staying at a hotel--or eating out due to the power outages -- you might want to review your homeowners policy. Some may pay for hotel costs ad meals eaten in restaurants in the event of a power outage. Coverage varies from company to company. You should call your insurance company and see if they have benefits. Many people are not aware of this.