Hope you had a great first two days of 2012! The best is yet to come. The following tips may be helpful to you.
Call me anytime I can be of assistance. My cell phone is 438 1343. My home: 478 1219. My office: 993 1545.
The town does not send out another bill for the 2nd half of the school taxes. The school tax bill is due the last day of January. You can pay on line, by credit card. Town Hall is always open till 7 PM the last day of tax collection . For information on how to pay your tax bill on line visit our website: www.greenburghny.com (tax office).
GREENBURGH NATURE CENTER HAS PROGRAMS, CAMPS FOR KIDS . The Greenburgh Nature Center is located off of Central Ave on Dromore Road. They have some terrific programs for small children and older kids. A new discovery playground was dedicated last year. They even have a February vacation nature camp for children grades k-3 and weekday drop in programs for young people. Thier members brunch and annual meeting is Sunday, February 10 from 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM. Visit their website;
THE LOIS BRONZ CHILDRENS CENTER (DAY CARE) ON MANHATTAN AVE IS AFFORDABLE AND IS NOW RUNNING AT A PROFIT-- The Lois Bronz Children's Center is affordable, running at a profit for the first time in years. They have a good management team and excellent programs for children in need of child care.
Over 4 years ago I started a job club. If you’re out of work and want to be advised of job openings please feel free to join our job club. All you have to do is e mail me at pfeiner@greenburghny.com. I send out frequent job opening announcements to those on the list. Also post job opportunities on www.linkedin.com (greenburgh jobs group). I have invited a representative of the Governor’s office to a special meeting at the Greenburgh Library on Thursday, February 7 at 10: 30 AM to discuss the new Tappan Zee bridge construction project –how to take advantage of job opportunities as a result of the new construction. The meeting is being co-sponsored by WJCS.
E LIST—If your friends are not receiving e list updates, please encourage them to subscribe to our e list updates about town happenings? We share lots of information about town programs, activities on the website and send e mail alerts to residents who subscribe to our e list. During the recent hurricane we updated residents about road closures and provided subscribers with power restoration updates. E mail me at pfeiner@greenburghny.com to subscribe to the list.
TOWN BOARD MEETINGS HELD ON TUESDAY MORNINGS AND THE 2ND AND 4TH WEDNESDAY EVENINGS-- The Town Board has five members. Ken Jones, Diana Juettner, Kevin Morgan, Francis Sheehan and me. We meet on Tuesday mornings from 9:30 AM to around noon--sometimes 1 or 2 PM. And, the 2nd Wednesdays of the month from 7:30 PM. Our meetings are televised on public access, streamed live on the website: www.greenburghny.com. And archived on the website.
TOWN BOARD MAKES POLICY UNDER NYS LAW-- Although I am the full time executive for the town and highest elected official, under NYS law Town Supervisors do not have the power to appoint department heads, terminate the employment of officials or veto legislation/aspects of the budget. The Supervisor has one of five votes on the Town Board. All policy decisions must be made by a majority of the Town Board.
TOWN ACTIVITIES BROCHURE WITH PROGRAMS CAN BE ACCESSED ON OUR WEBSITE—There are many activities, programs in our town. Visit our website: www.greenburghny.com for program information Since village residents have their own recreation programs, some of the programs on the website are only for unincorporated Greenburgh residents.
SUMMER JOBS-- Many college students wait till the last second to apply for summer jobs with the town. Don't wait. Reach out to the parks department or Theodore Young Community Center in the winter--not the spring to enhance your chances. You can also e mail me if you are interested...
STUDENT NEWS NETWORK—AN OPPORTUNITY FOR STUDENTS TO HOST THEIR OWN TV PROGRAMS—If your son or daughter wants to go into politics or journalism, invite them to participate in SNN, the student news network. Students meet weekly (after school) and host their own cable TV news program. They produce and air public service announcements about issues of importance to them. And, their TV news reports are also aired at a Town Board meeting at the end of the school year. Judith Beville, Town Clerk, coordinates the program. Her phone is 993 1504.
TELL YOUR STORY IF YOU ARE A VETERAN OR HOLOCAUST SURVIVOR--A few years ago Alan Hochberg, former President of the Poet's Corner Civic Association and Steve Wittenberg of Ardsley (a veteran of Vietnam) started the Living History initiative. They have taped 30 minute interviews of over 90 veterans of World War II and Korea. And...more interviews continue each week. Alan Hochberg is expanding the living history initiatives to include survivors of the holocaust. Interested in having your stories told? Please e mail me me. the Library of Congress in DC has agreed to archive the interviews of our veterans. The Greenburgh Library is also archiving the interviews.
INTERNSHIP OPPORTUNITIES—If your son or daughter is interested in learning about government and volunteering in my office or in another office, please have them call me at 993-1545 or 438 1343. I can also be reached by e mail.
SNOW ANGELS—Over 20 years ago we started a group called snow angels. Snow angels help clear snow from driveways of seniors, disabled residents. If you want to help a neighbor, please advise. Community is about helping each other. We also have a house angels program (matched those without power with those with power during the recent hurricane). A TV angels program (volunteers remove TV’s from homes of seniors/disabled residents and take them to the highway garage).
TOWN BUDGET UNDER TAX CAP—WE HAVE A TRIPLE A BOND RATING: Greenburgh’s 2013 budget complied with the NYS tax cap law which limits tax hikes to a 2% tax cap levy. About 25% of the communities in the state did not comply with the tax cap and came in with higher taxes. I’m proud of the fact that we did not! The town also has a triple A bond rating from Moody’s and Standard & Poor’s. About 3% of all governments in the nation have earned this distinction—the highest bond rating possible.
WHAT CAN WE DO BETTER? Please feel free to provide us with your feedback—what can we, as a town do better? We want you to love living in our community. E mail townboard@greenburghny.com with your suggestions.
Greenburgh Town Supervisor