The Town of Greenburgh Police Department Summer Youth Program applications are available starting TODAY at Police HQ’s.
For information, call Sergeant Robert J. Gramaglia, (914) 682-5391.
MRH/Richman has offered the town two additional options if the Town Board decides to lease the WESTHELP property to them. The Town Board will be holding a special meeting tomorrow morning at 9:30 AM to make the decision. Option 1 (posted Friday and posted along with the other proposals on the town website) offered no rent in years 2 and 3 because there is a $1.5 million up front payment. Some residents questioned the lack of rental payments for two years. Option 2 addresses that concern.
1 West Help Property Rent Payment Options
OPTION 1: $1,500,000 paid up front , $0 rent in year 2 and 3, $500,000 rent year 4-18.
OPTION 2: $1,500,000 paid up front , $441, 176.47 paid year 2 thru 18.
OPTION 3: $3.5M Lump Sum payment up front
NOTE: Please let us know before the lease starting date which option you choose to move forward with.
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