The Greenburgh Town Board voted on October 13 to impose fines on Cablevision in accordance with Section 41.5g “failure to maintain picture or audio quality to standards specified in the franchise agreement effective October 14, 2004. The penalty is $500 per occurrence or $100 per day whichever is greater.” The Town of Greenburghhas been experiencing both audio and picture quality problems on both the public and government access channels for some time. We have reported these problems to cablevision on many occasions. The situation has not improved. Therefore, the vote of the Town Board was taken to impose the terms of the Franchise agreement. We had threatened Cablevision with issuing the fines earlier this year –during the summer months. Cablevision immediately responded—trying to fix the problem. However, at every Town Board meeting since then we have received many complaints -------people have not been able to hear speakers and the visual quality has been poor. A certified letter was sent to Cablevision on October 15th advising Cablevision that the town is imposing the penalties. Residents of the town of Greenburghhave the right to expect to be able to watch Town Board, Planning Board and Zoning Board meetings on TV –and to be able to hear what is happening at these meetings. PAUL FEINER GreenburghTownSupervisor