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2005 Children's Internet Safety Act
Release Date: February 02, 2005

WHEREAS, The safety and well­being of Greenburgh children should be a priority to everyone, and

WHEREAS, The posting on the town's unrestricted website and through the internet of names, home address, email addresses, and phone numbers of minors (under the age of 18) is unsafe, irresponsible, inappropriate and, absent parental consent, and invasion of privacy, now therefore be it

RESOLVED, That the Greenburgh Town Board hereby prohibits the posting on the town's website and distribution through the town's elist by the town or any officials the name, address phone numbers, emails address, or photographic image of minors without prior written consent of a parent or legal guardian, and be it further

RESOLVED,             That the Town Board hereby directs the Town Clerk to immediately forward this Resolution to the Town Supervisor, Chief of Police, other Department Heads, any other relevant parties and immediately post it on the Town's website, so the intent of this Board be widely known

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