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Release Date: April 17, 2017

Over the years some residents have asked the Town Board to impose a ban on leaf blowers. The issue came up again earlier this spring. I sent out an e mail asking residents for their thoughts. Some like the concept. Others don’t. Here are the responses.  The Town Board will review all comments and also consider compromise options.  Your thoughts are appreciated.
The comments from those who support the ban are posted first. The comments from those who oppose the ban are posted after. I deleted the last name and e mail addresses of those who responded with the exception of a landscaper who came up with a compromise idea.
From: Karen
Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2017 1:43 PM
To: Paul Feiner
Hello, Paul!
Happy Passover!
Thank you for sending out the email regarding banning leaf-blowers. My roommate and I strongly support the ban! It's a wonderful idea. The noise and even smell when nearby, is very disturbing, and we would be thrilled not to have to reluctantly endure many months of this again. The leaf-blower noise also makes it impossible to take a nap if one needs on during the day, among the other reasons.
Thank you very much.
All the best,
From: Lech
Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2017 9:19 AM
To: Paul Feiner
Subject: ban on leaf blowers
Mr. Feiner

We strongly support ban on leaf blowers.
From: Rob
Sent: Tuesday, April 4, 2017 11:24 PM
To: Paul Feiner
Subject: Re: SHOULD THE TOWN BAN LEAF BLOWERS? You tube video discussion ....experiences from Town of Mamaroneck that has the law
Yes, I think that the town should restrict the use of gas powered leaf blowers, with perhaps a few minor exceptions for low impact situations.
The noise pollution, and air pollution are quite disturbing, and there are better alternatives available. Noisy, highly polluting gas blowers are archaic, and should not be tolerated out of respect for our quality-of-life.
From: Abbe
> Sent: Tuesday, April 4, 2017 7:37 PM
> To: Paul Feiner
> Subject: leaf blowers
> Hi Paul, This is Abbe.  I am very disturbed by leaf blowers on our street.  Even after it rains they come and blow, two, three, four of them.  It has gotten out of hand! Whatever you can do to limit their use would be greatly appreciated.
> Thank you.
From:  David
Sent: Tuesday, April 4, 2017 10:14 PM
To: Paul Feiner
Subject: Re: SHOULD THE TOWN BAN LEAF BLOWERS? You tube video discussion ....experiences from Town of Mamaroneck that has the law
Hi Paul, I am in favor of a ban. I find the blowers very irritating. Also, lawn mowers (commercial landscapers) early on Saturday mornings are another pain. Thanks, David
From: Allegra
Sent: Tuesday, April 4, 2017 10:39 PM
To: Paul Feiner
Subject: Re: SHOULD THE TOWN BAN LEAF BLOWERS? You tube video discussion ....experiences from Town of Mamaroneck that has the law - I vote YES
Yes, leaf blowers should be banned.  Like cigarettes, they are hazardous to those who work around them and who are exposed to them by proximity.  Children are especially sensitive to the exhaust and debris blown into the air, as well as the noise. They damage young lungs.  They damage the environment and add carbon to the atmosphere, contributing unnecessarily to global warming and climate change.  
There are much better alternatives to handling leaves that are not damaging to children and improve the health of yards and gardens.  The best alternatives are xeriscaping with native plants and/or mulching in place.  Love Em and Leave Em.  
Anyone supporting gas leaf blowers is willing to sacrifice the health of the many with the short-sighted financial interests of a few.
Sent: Tuesday, April 4, 2017 9:41 PM
To: Paul Feiner
Subject: Pls do ban gas leaf blowers.  Thanks.  Numa
From: Antoinette
Sent: Tuesday, April 4, 2017 9:12 PM
To: Paul Feiner
Subject: Re: SHOULD THE TOWN BAN LEAF BLOWERS? You tube video discussion ....experiences from Town of Mamaroneck that has the law
I absolutely support a ban on leaf blowers in Greenburgh. You have my full support. Thank you.

From: Marjorie
Sent: Tuesday, April 4, 2017 7:54 PM
To: Paul Feiner
Subject: ban leaf blowers
I say yes ban the leaf blowers.
From: Priscilla
Sent: Tuesday, April 4, 2017 8:15 PM
To: Paul Feiner
Subject: leaf-blowers
Dear Paul,
I am so pleased that the Board is raising this issue. I DESPISE leaf-blowers. For pressing environmental reasons, I would like to see them banned entirely from use in all seasons. The noise is not just unpleasant but totally deafeningly, and the things are incredibly inefficient.  I have observed people spending hours doing what a rake would do much more quickly and quietly. I would happily pay more in our condominium community (Wyldwood) should the costs rise for landscaping.* They are fueled by low-quality gasoline (I guess some are electrically powered, but that too pollutes) and spew noxious fumes. Certainly able-bodied, individual property owners should simply not be using them. They're a public nuisance and an environmental disaster. Given that the federal government is currently in the hands of climate change-deniers who are rapidly trying to undo any progress made in recent decades toward more sustainable energy production and use, we need to take action at the local level. Congratulations to Greenburgh for considering some thoughtful steps.
* ( I can of course  imagine that for the people handling them , the leaf-blowers may demand less energy- expenditure and therefore be a tool they don't want to set aside. We might need to dream up innovative ways to assist them in adopting more eco-friendly approaches that are not exhausting for someone gathering leaves all day).
If you need participants in public meetings to press this case, please call on me.
From: William
Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2017 6:55 PM
To: Paul Feiner
Subject: RE: SHOULD THE TOWN BAN LEAF BLOWERS? You tube video discussion ....experiences from Town of Mamaroneck that has the law <External Sender>
Paul, this is certainly a quality of life issue that should in some way be addressed. There are numerous things that come to mind. I take care of my own property and have a leaf blower but it’s electric and makes 1/10th of the noise of a gas powered one and there are zero emissions. Some of the biggest problems for me is that they don’t have one blower going but two or three at the same time which ends up being deafening. Not only that, they usually have several clients on the same block so it can go on for hours. Additionally there should be some type of restriction to hours of operation. Many of us work hard all week and should not have to be awaken in the early morning on the weekends on what sounds like an airplane taking off.     
Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2017 7:02 PM
To: Paul Feiner
Subject: Re: SHOULD THE TOWN BAN LEAF BLOWERS? You tube video discussion ....experiences from Town of Mamaroneck that has the law
sound s great, although  mid September restart  is more realistic.  
Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2017 6:41 PM
To: Paul Feiner
Subject: Re: SHOULD THE TOWN BAN LEAF BLOWERS? You tube video discussion ....experiences from Town of Mamaroneck that has the law
YESSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But with some exceptions (country clubs being one, although I'm not a member of any)
From: Dorothy
Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2017 6:38 PM
To: Paul Feiner
Subject: Re: SHOULD THE TOWN BAN LEAF BLOWERS? You tube video discussion ....experiences from Town of Mamaroneck that has the law
Hi Paul, I'm pleasantly surprised that this issue has come up - I find that the leaf blowers are a constant noise during the summer and fall. It would be more tolerable if it were once a week, but it is truly every weekday, for most of the day, between one neighbor and another. 
Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I would vote 'yes' on a leaf blower ban.
Yours, Dorothy
Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2017 6:37 PM
To: Paul Feiner
Subject: Re: SHOULD THE TOWN BAN LEAF BLOWERS? You tube video discussion ....experiences from Town of Mamaroneck that has the law
Thank you for the email. My thoughts:
-Yes they should be banned. I would opt the ban be for whatever season, not just summer. 
-Yes they bother especially when one has a newborn/young kids or even tired moms who try to get in a nap. 
-Alternatively, if they use them, make sure they are the quiet kind/in good working condition to minimize noise/gas smell. 
-We would pay the extra amount landscapers would charge. 
-An exception could be made for country clubs/large parks as the areas are large.  

Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2017 5:53 PM
To: Paul Feiner
Subject: Re: SHOULD THE TOWN BAN LEAF BLOWERS? You tube video discussion ....experiences from Town of Mamaroneck that has the law
From: Jacob
Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2017 5:56 PM
To: Paul Feiner
Subject: Re: SHOULD THE TOWN BAN LEAF BLOWERS? You tube video discussion ....experiences from Town of Mamaroneck that has the law
Hi Paul, 
these leaf blowers are severely affecting the quality of life for my family. I live in Hartsdale and between April and November, the landscaping crews are out with extremely loud leaf blowers literally every day. My baby gets woken up from her naps, as does my wife who has health issues. It is impossible to enjoy the outdoors while these leaf blowers are going. People also use them on the weekends even though they are not supposed to.
The leaf blowers generally exceed the allowed maximum decibels, but a system in which you have to call the police on your neighbors to get people to follow the law is not great. 
I moved out here from the city in order to have some peace and quit, and the leaf blowers have such a negative effect that I have actually considered moving because of them.
Thank you ever so much for taking this issue seriously. 
From: Jonathan
Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2017 5:57 PM
To: Paul Feiner
Subject: Re: SHOULD THE TOWN BAN LEAF BLOWERS? You tube video discussion ....experiences from Town of Mamaroneck that has the law
As you know I don't generally write in CAPS but this would be a WONDERFUL IDEA!!
Bring back garden rakes!!
From: Adriana
Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2017 5:58 PM
To: Paul Feiner
Subject: Re: SHOULD THE TOWN BAN LEAF BLOWERS? You tube video discussion ....experiences from Town of Mamaroneck that has the law
Yes Mr Feiner! The town should ban the leaf blowers! Yes . Thank you ! 
From: Susan
Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2017 5:59 PM
To: Paul Feiner
Subject: Re: SHOULD THE TOWN BAN LEAF BLOWERS? You tube video discussion ....experiences from Town of Mamaroneck that has the law
yes please! not only the noise but the noxious fumes are unbearable! 
From: Robert
Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2017 6:04 PM
To: Paul Feiner
Subject: Banning Leaf Blowers
Hi Paul, It would be so bad if they weren't so loud, especially when multiple are running at once.
I'm in favor of banning even from May to October, however there has to be a way to allow for using them for some quick cleanup, like blowing of their patio, for example.
Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2017 6:05 PM
To: Paul Feiner
Subject: Re: SHOULD THE TOWN BAN LEAF BLOWERS? You tube video discussion ....experiences from Town of Mamaroneck that has the law
Hi Paul
As an audiologist, I am very much in favor of the ban for reasons of noise exposure. 
While the noise levels of leaf blowers are probably not damaging to the ears(except for those using it), studies have shown that disturbing noises can wreak havoc on blood pressure and stress. The average leaf blower intensity from about 50 ft away is 65-74 decibels which is enough to mask out conversational speech which is roughly 55 decibels. 
I see this as a win-win for all. 
From: Alex
Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2017 6:06 PM
To: Paul Feiner; 'gblist@cit-e.net'
Subject: Re: SHOULD THE TOWN BAN LEAF BLOWERS? You tube video discussion ....experiences from Town of Mamaroneck that has the law
Dear Paul --thank you so much for raising this issue.   My husband and I are senior citizens who look forward to the exercise that leaf raking and brown bagging gives us each year. We both spend a lot of time working outside in our garden.  It is extremely annoying to hear these leaf blowers during the summer months when there is really no need.  YES to the ban.  Thank you
Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2017 6:10 PM
To: Paul Feiner
Subject: Re: SHOULD THE TOWN BAN LEAF BLOWERS? You tube video discussion ....experiences from Town of Mamaroneck that has the law
Several years ago I brought the noise and air pollution of the leaf blowers to your, as well as the town board's attention.  I even went so far as to visit the Scarsdale Police Department and obtain for you their enlightened and effective regulations regarding this important quality of life issue. You in fact solicited town residents for their opinions on this very subject. The response, in your words, was overwhelmingly in favor of action being taken, and you shared several of these responses with me.  Despite this, however, nothing was ever done. I will hope that at last, action will finally be taken to curb this continuous noise and air pollution. Banning them in the summer would be a fine start, and monitoring them throughout the year to make sure that they adhere to both noise and air pollution requirements would do much to improve the quality of life for us all.
From: Claudia
Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2017 6:13 PM
To: Paul Feiner
Subject: Leaf blower issue
Dear Paul:
We live in Hartsdale. Probably the top irritation we have during the summer and fall is the unbearable noise produced by leaf blowers. And the problem is that landscapers come and it is 3-4 at a time. I work from home some days and it is impossible to think. Impossible. We want to be outside on the deck resting and trying to de stress. Nope the noise and pollution is overbearing..
What do I do? I rake. Yes it is old fashioned and people do not seem to want to do this anymore, but yes raking is an option. Another option? Instituting strict hours. No leaf blowers on Sunday. On Saturday only from 9-12 as well as during the week. We lived in France before coming to the US. This is how it was done. There it was individuals who abided by these rules. Here we were surprised it is all companies, nobody would even consider doing it for themselves. For us it was very strange to see this dynamic.
Best option: ban them completely!
Next best option: establish strict hours.
I would be interested in any public hearings on the matter.
Thank you
From: Carolyn
Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2017 6:18 PM
To: Paul Feiner
Subject: Re: SHOULD THE TOWN BAN LEAF BLOWERS? You tube video discussion ....experiences from Town of Mamaroneck that has the law
From: Neal
Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2017 6:26 PM
To: Paul Feiner
Subject: Re: SHOULD THE TOWN BAN LEAF BLOWERS? You tube video discussion ....experiences from Town of Mamaroneck that has the law
Hello Paul...I am so glad you asked the question.  YES YES YES I think the town should ban leaf blowers.  This has always bothered me and I never realized there is something the Town could do about the annoying and sometimes dangerous noise it creates.?
Thank you
From: Daniel
Sent: Wednesday, April 5, 2017 10:56 PM
To: Paul Feiner
Subject: Re: SHOULD THE TOWN BAN LEAF BLOWERS? You tube video discussion ....experiences from Town of Mamaroneck that has the law
Dear Mr. Feiner - thank you for addressing this issue. I am very much in favor of banning leaf blowers, they are indeed a huge nuisance and noise polluter. I would not only ban over the summer months, but also limit it on weekends / holidays etc. I am glad Ms. Seligson brought up the additional benefit of mulching leaves instead of blowing them.
Would such a ban be implemented in all of Greenburgh, including the villages?
From: angelo
Sent: Wednesday, April 5, 2017 8:53 PM
To: Paul Feiner
Subject: Yes to a ban!!
Hi Paul.  My wife and I completely support a ban.  I see no good reason for the blowers and all too often when we want to enjoy sitting in our yard or on our porch we are driven inside by the noise so loud we can't even converse.  Even in the evening when we want to enjoy a cup of coffee or dinner outside we have neighbors who decide to use the even at 6 pm.  Let's get rid of them!!!
Sent: Wednesday, April 5, 2017 9:29 PM
To: Paul Feiner
Subject: Re: SHOULD THE TOWN BAN LEAF BLOWERS? You tube video discussion ....experiences from Town of Mamaroneck that has the law
Hello Paul,
Yes, you should do it. Retired and living on Birchwood Lane, I can tell you it is really annoying. Everyday we have gardeners in our lane using blowers. It should be limited to the the fall period . During spring and summer, there is no reason to blow the grass clips.
From: Jessica
Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2017 1:03 PM
To: Paul Feiner
Subject: Leaf blowers
Hi Paul, I'm not sure if this is the right channel to submit my feedback so please let me know if I should submit this in any different form.
I would second a ban for leaf blowers - frankly not just for the summer but in general. The noise is excessive in our area (Dobbs
Ferry) and when one neighbor stops, the next one starts. It reduces our quality of life on the weekend and my ability to work from home during the week.
Raking the leaves together is not much more time consuming than using a blower - the main part of the work is actually to stuff them into bags and drag them to the curb. So one would hope that charges don't go up for lawn services. Overall, this seems like an aspect of maintaining your yard where technology is an unnecessary burden on the environment as well as the people.
From: Jason
Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2017 12:15 PM
To: Paul Feiner
Subject: Re: SHOULD THE TOWN BAN LEAF BLOWERS? You tube video discussion ....experiences from Town of Mamaroneck that has the law
Hi Paul,
I live in Hartsdale and just wanted to say that I would fully support a ban on leaf blowers (at least on the weekends). Last Spring we had our 2 year olds' birthday party in our yard and our neighbors gardeners came to mow/blow and it was such a disruption. Maybe banning them on weekends to start would be a way to ease the transition. 
Thanks for your time, 
Sent: Wednesday, April 5, 2017 9:12 AM
To: Paul Feiner
Subject: Banning leaf blowers in summer
YES YES and YES. Get a broom!!!!

Thank you Jeannine
From: Lance
Sent: Wednesday, April 5, 2017 9:27 AM
To: Paul Feiner
Cc: marjorie
Subject: end of winter
Paul, good morning,It’s not even 9 o’clock and the leaf blowing season is already in full bloom. There are two backpack leaf blowers going full blast on the next block as I type this e-mail. Every year, we are forced to enjoy the nice weather indoors with the windows closed. As soon as we venture outside onto the deck, the jet engine noise from the leaf blowers chases us back inside. Clearly, we are not allowed the peaceful and quiet enjoyment of our home. A total ban would be great. If not, how about very restrictive hours for gas blowers (say between 2 and 4 m-f) for the first year, next year 1 hour and the third year a total ban. If a quiet battery powered blower is used, no restrictions would apply. We have a battery powered leaf blower and it works great, with very little noise. Of course the commercial establishments would need a more powerful one, or use a rake.  
Sent: Wednesday, April 5, 2017 8:16 AM
To: Paul Feiner
Subject: Re: SHOULD THE TOWN BAN LEAF BLOWERS? You tube video discussion ....experienc...
Support a summer ban 100%. TOO MUCH NOISE
From: eric
Sent: Wednesday, April 5, 2017 12:28 AM
To: Paul Feiner
Subject: Leaf Blowers
I live at the 370 building of the Edgemont apartments. I am for banning leaf blower all together, actually.  We are trading clean air for  the removal of leafs. That doesn't make any sense. Moreover, the noise pollution and the fumes that come into my apartment are beyond toleration. Also, I have been noticing that The Tile store and  California Pizza have been getting a regular dosage of leaf blowers throughout the winter, and continuing. I have heard then as early as 8 AM and as late as 6 PM. I can see them from my window and can clearly see that all they are doing is blowing dust around. My building, I am sure, will start soon. I have to keep my windows close to keep the fumes and dust out, as I live in on the first floor. The cars also get a good dosage of dirt from the blowers, but that's the least of my concerns. It would be nice to have cleaner air, wake up without a rude awakening and enjoy some quiet, for a change.
Thank you so much for your attention on this matter. Really, Thanks!
Sent: Wednesday, April 5, 2017 6:20 AM
To: Paul Feiner
Subject: Leaf Blowers
Good morning Paul,
I am in favor of banning  leaf blowers with the exception of fall clean up.  
From: Thomas
Sent: Wednesday, April 5, 2017 6:32 AM
To: Paul Feiner
Subject: RE: SHOULD THE TOWN BAN LEAF BLOWERS? You tube video discussion ....experiences from Town of Mamaroneck that has the law
Dear Paul,
I would wholeheartedly support the ban on these sources of dust and pollution. I’m delighted that this possibility is under discussion. Kind regards, Tom
From: paul
Sent: Sunday, April 9, 2017 11:06 AM
To: Paul Feiner
Subject: leaf blowers
Mr.Feiner,I support the ban on leaf blowers during the summer months.   I work the midnight shift and it would be nice to be able to come home and get some sleep.I hope that the Board will approve this bill- Thank You,Paul
From: margie
Sent: Saturday, April 8, 2017 4:46 PM
To: Paul Feiner
Subject: ban on leaf blowers
Dear Paul,
Yes, to the ban on leaf blowers in the summer. Not only are they noisy, but the smell of the gas fumes are sickening. Would love to sit outside and enjoy the peace and quite all summer.
From: Angela
Sent: Saturday, April 8, 2017 5:12 PM
To: Paul Feiner
Subject: Re: SHOULD THE TOWN BAN LEAF BLOWERS? You tube video discussion ....experiences from Town of Mamaroneck that has the law
Dear Mr. Feiner,
I like the idea of banning leaf blowers from June 1 to September 30th. My kids play outside a lot and it would be nice to avoid the noise and air pollution. When I visit my family on Long Island I always notice how quiet it is compared to our home. I feel like the noise from leaf blowers is a given here.  We have enough air pollution without the addition of leaf blowers going most of the day. I wonder if other residents feel the same. 
I will keep up with the news from your postings to see if you proceed with the ban. 
Thank you for your consideration and asking residents how we feel. 
Sent: Saturday, April 8, 2017 12:34 PM
To: Paul Feiner
Subject: Fw: SHOULD THE TOWN BAN LEAF BLOWERS? You tube video discussion ....experiences from Town of Mamaroneck that has the law
I wish to add that for many years, the other major problem with these leaf blowers is that they think nothing of blowing leaves and garden debris onto adjoining landowner's properties--instead of removing it as they are supposed to-- if they think they can get away with it.  We should not have to be subjected to this ongoing conduct. We maintain our property ourselves and this is an unconscionable situation, as we are surrounded by these landscaping crews. Talking to them does little to no good, and while I have spoken to the landowners about this and they understand the problem, what happens is that as soon as the landowner is not watching, the crews will just revert to their previous ways. I would like to know what the town is willing to do about this.
Dear Paul,
Thank you for your letter regarding the question of banning leaf blowers.
The noise is bothersome.
We are all entitled to clean air and quiet.
That being said, landscapers will raise their rates, so the bottom line question is, "is it worth it?" I think so.
From: Claudia
Sent: Friday, April 7, 2017 9:42 AM
To: Paul Feiner
Subject: Leaf blower
This morning. It started at 8:30. It is past 9:30 and it has not let up. I cant work from home. Two at the same time. Is that really necessary? It smells like diesel outside. It really brings down the quality of life in Greenburgh. And the reason is that people are lazy. Cant bring themselves to do it by hand. It is still going on... it is enough to make you go mad.
From: Lisa
Sent: Friday, April 7, 2017 9:54 AM
To: Paul Feiner
Subject: Leaf blower ban and more
Dear Mr. Feiner, 
I am all for a ban on leaf blowers in the Town of Greenburgh.  I have been a resident on Balmoral Crescent for over 20 years and this has been a nuisance forever.  Every spring on my quiet little Cul-de sac, the landscapers bombard us with this deafening noise all the way through November.  I will do whatever it takes to get a ban into effect.
From: Dvora
Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2017 6:05 PM
To: Paul Feiner
Subject: leaf blowers
Hello Paul,
This topic has been on my mind for quite a few summer seasons and I am glad it is being discussed. I watched a portion of the youtube video and will return to it at a later time. I do share the Edgemont resident's sentiments in the video (I live in the unincorporated part of Greenburgh).
Most troublesome is the pollution. There have been many days where I stopped gardening and got into the house and shut the windows because of the pollution that came my way, either from my own landscapers or from neighboring properties. It truly takes away from enjoying the outdoors and keeps me from getting fresh air into the house via windows. And the workers are breathing in the pollution, too, all season.
While we all benefit from well-maintained and attractive properties, I also worry that a halt on leaf blowers for the entire season will create some hardship for home owners. Thoughts that crossed my mind include having some sort of schedule that limits leaf blowers to a part of the season, say July only or August only. However, these months do not see the kind of need for leaf blowers as the end of September and virtually all of October and November do.
Ideally, I would like to see manufacturers of leaf blowers develop new tools that "muffle" the noise, like a car's muffler does. Battery operated blowers would eliminate the pollution that gas blowers create, but I don't know if this will cause "battery pollution" with more batteries being discarded at end of battery life - hopefully these would be rechargeable for a long time. And would this create a problem during the course of a landscaper's day with the need to recharge periodically (I don't know if this can be done via a home's electric service if the homeowner has an outside connection, or if it needs special recharging stations)?
Thank you for making this a topic that needs resolution, and may we all benefit from a solution soon!!
From: Greg
Sent: Thursday, April 13, 2017 8:38 AM
To: Paul Feiner
Subject: Leaf Blowers
Hi Paul,
I commend you on your efforts to try to do something about the noise pollution -- it is out of control on my block. It seems like blowers are going virtually every morning and afternoon when I work at home Tuesday through Friday.
I have a suggestion. Personally, I do not own or use a blower, but I understand that my neighbors want to hire crews and have immaculate lawns. I hire a crew once a year to do a spring cleaning. What if some times where allocated for leaf blowing during the summer days, for instance Monday and Wednesday from 9 to 11. That's just one scenario; you can pick others obviously.
Please keep me posted as to when you will have a public hearing.
Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2017 5:52 PM
To: Paul Feiner
Subject: Re: SHOULD THE TOWN BAN LEAF BLOWERS? You tube video discussion ....experienc...
How about a restriction on time - let us say 11 AM to 3 PM weekdays??
From: Thomas
Sent: Wednesday, April 5, 2017 9:24 AM
To: Paul Feiner
Subject: Leaf blowers
Paul, I don't love them, but I don't want them banned. They are a technological improvement to raking that is faster with less risk of bodily injury than raking (especially for those of us who are getting to a certain age).  The sound of lawn mowers is not much better, but I don't advocate going back to manual mowing. There are helicopters, planes, motorcycles, etc. that all impose their noise on us.  It is part of living in today's world.
I could only see banning them before a certain time in the morning so as not to wake people.
From: Robert
Sent: Wednesday, April 5, 2017 11:47 AM
To: Paul Feiner
Subject: Re: SHOULD THE TOWN BAN LEAF BLOWERS? You tube video discussion ....experiences from Town of Mamaroneck that has the law
In my opinion, a "leaf blower ban" is government overreach...if a homeowner is unduly disturbed by a neighbor's actions (or actions by a neighbor's agent), the homeowner should request their neighbor to modify the action, not call the police.  If the action is egregious enough to involve law enforcement,  existing statutes for disturbing the peace should offer adequate protection.
Please cite evidence that warrants a public policy solution. 
If such a ban is put into effect, the ban should apply to all including government agencies, school districts, etc.
From: Michael
Sent: Wednesday, April 5, 2017 9:04 AM
To: Paul Feiner
Subject: Re: SHOULD THE TOWN BAN LEAF BLOWERS? You tube video discussion ....experiences from Town of Mamaroneck that has the law
What is the proposed time period for the ban? Would it be year round or just for certain months as in Mamaroneck?  I have a leaf blower, which I personally don't think is much louder than my lawnmower, but I only use it in the fall months to assist in cleaning up all the leaves on my property.  I am sensitive to noise issues as I have 2 young children of my own, but the leaf blower saves me a huge amount of time and effort and so I would oppose a ban if it were of the year round variety.
I should add one other point, if the town does decide on a full ban of leaf blowers, it should be across the board with no preferential treatment to country clubs / parks / etc.  Not fair for the burden of this ban to fall solely on the residents -- especially those who do their own yard work -- while others don't have to change their behavior.
From: Jill
Sent: Wednesday, April 5, 2017 8:15 AM
To: Paul Feiner
Subject: Leaf Blower Ban
I think this is a ridiculous over reach of Town “government”.  This is exactly the type of nonsense that makes a community like
Edgemont want to break off from Greenburgh.  How much noise could five or 10 minutes per house really make that it
interferes with children studying, peace and quiet, etc.?  A time restriction – sure, but a ban is too much. That does not make sense.  People spend a fortune on their property to make it look nice, which is what we want
properties to look like.  Not only will gardeners not like this, but MANY people can’t afford gardeners, and those same people probably can’t do
the physical job of raking.  That’s what modern technology does – it helps people do things with machines instead of manually.  I’m sure
there are many more important things that the Town of Greenburgh’s government needs to take care of. 
From: mary
Sent: Wednesday, April 5, 2017 8:24 AM
To: Paul Feiner
Subject: Leaf blowers
Good morning,
Regarding the potential ban of leaf blowers -  hoping this does not happen. The use of blowers even in the summer on some residential properties (like my own) make it a lot easier and I want to maintain it in this manner - how do I do that if the blowers are ban??? An issue that should be addressed is not using blowers after certain times of the day (after 6pm and not before 9 am).
Thank you,
From: Michael
Sent: Wednesday, April 5, 2017 9:04 AM
To: Paul Feiner
Subject: Re: SHOULD THE TOWN BAN LEAF BLOWERS? You tube video discussion ....experiences from Town of Mamaroneck that has the law
What is the proposed time period for the ban? Would it be year round or just for certain months as in Mamaroneck?  I have a leaf blower, which I personally don't think is much louder than my lawnmower, but I only use it in the fall months to assist in cleaning up all the leaves on my property.  I am sensitive to noise issues as I have 2 young children of my own, but the leaf blower saves me a huge amount of time and effort and so I would oppose a ban if it were of the year round variety.
From: Laura
Sent: Wednesday, April 5, 2017 7:20 AM
To: Paul Feiner
Subject: Leaf Blower
Hi Paul,

Let me start by saying you do a great job!

The leaf blower ban is ridiculous. I don't think they should be banned, except on Sundays, which they already are.

From: Joe
Sent: Wednesday, April 5, 2017 12:25 AM
To: Paul Feiner
Subject: Re: SHOULD THE TOWN BAN LEAF BLOWERS? You tube video discussion ....experiences from Town of Mamaroneck that has the law
Leaf blowers with noise levels within current legal limits do not bother me. I own a leaf blower that I use three or four times a year, and would not like to see it banned.

We really don't need more regulations. Life is never going to be perfect. We need to tolerate each other and stop demanding that other people take responsibility for our comfort. Leaf blowers run for short periods and save a lot of time (and money if we hire someone to take care of our lawns). There are already decibel limits. Enforce those and have done with it.
From: Jeff
Sent: Tuesday, April 4, 2017 11:56 PM
To: Paul Feiner
Subject: Re: SHOULD THE TOWN BAN LEAF BLOWERS? You tube video discussion ....experiences from Town of Mamaroneck that has the law
I listened to a portion of the video and I must say I do not agree with the woman in the video.  She indicates an increasing amount of Cotswolds residents who are in favor of a ban on leaf blowers.  I live in the Cotswolds and I do not agree with the need for a ban on leafblowers.  We have bigger problems to address than leafblowers.  One could easily make the counter argument that the use of leafblowers improves the appearance and their nonuse would lead to a less desireable outcome.  In any case, in my opinion, it is not a problem worth your time given the other challenges.
> From: William
> Sent: Tuesday, April 4, 2017 11:09 PM
> To: Paul Feiner
> Subject: Re: SHOULD THE TOWN BAN LEAF BLOWERS? You tube video
> discussion ....experiences from Town of Mamaroneck that has the law
> Dear Paul,
> No.  There is no enforcement of existing rules on clearing snow, where
> is the enforcement for this going to come from?
> It's a red flag that the rule in Mamaroneck is so burdensome that
> governmental agencies have to be made exempt (probably including NYC
> DEP who is noisiest source around me).  If it's too much for the
> government agencies, why is it appropriate for residents?
Sent: Tuesday, April 4, 2017 10:56 PM
To: Paul Feiner
Subject: Re: SHOULD THE TOWN BAN LEAF BLOWERS? You tube video discussion ....experiences from Town of Mamaroneck that has the law
Dear Paul,
The Town Board should avoid distractions that trivialize its role and purpose.
Best, Fran
From: Natasha
Sent: Tuesday, April 4, 2017 10:20 PM
To: Paul Feiner
Subject: Re: SHOULD THE TOWN BAN LEAF BLOWERS? You tube video discussion ....experiences from Town of Mamaroneck that has the law
How is this different from lawn mowers, tree trimmers and edgers?  
As a concerned resident i pride myself in a beautiful landscape. We do not have a landscaper therefore fees are not an issue for us. 
I do admit they are very disturbing, especially if the landscaper/owner decides to maintain the yard between the hours of 7am and 10 am or after 6pm using older larger machines. These no doubt are quite loud however, what's the alternative?
I would suggest regulations instead of a ban. You could also consider alternating weekends but that depends on growth and planned activities, may cause undue hardship on homeowners. Perhaps permit landscaping during certain hours along with a decibel limit. Im sure there is are other ways to handle. 
Also, this should also apply to the fall. 
Best Regards
Sent: Tuesday, April 4, 2017 10:26 PM
To: Paul Feiner
Subject: Re: SHOULD THE TOWN BAN LEAF BLOWERS? You tube video discussion ....experiences from Town of Mamaroneck that has the law
PLEASE do not ban leaf blowers!
Yes, they are annoying, but a necessary part of the summer and fall cleanup. Especially, for people like ourselves who need to clear all of the leaves that blow to our property from the woods across from the front of our house, and the trees along a brook behind our house. None of these trees belong to us! No landscaper is going to rake those leaves with a rake.
We are already having problems with bugs and it is only April. The dead and decaying leaves are perfect breeding grounds for the ticks and fleas that are already present in my yard.  (Pulled a tick crawling on the dog's back 2 days ago! This is disgusting - it is only April and I can't wait for the gardener to get here to start cleaning all the dead leaves that are around.) Look up some articles on ticks and how they love to live in the grass, particularly under moist leaves and debris. Most piles of leaves are also a mosquito haven.
Besides the insect problems, rodents and small animals use leaves for bedding in their nests. If leaves are not cleared thoroughly this will invite even more mice, chipmunks, rabbits, etc. Those animals are the ones that are leaving the ticks and fleas behind. Vicious cycle.
The leaves remain wet from the morning dew and any rainfall if they are not cleared on a regular basis.Those decaying leaves cause more mold spores in the air, making our breathing issues worse. My family has paid for the gardener to remove the leaves because we are so sensitive to the mold that we can not rake ourselves. And again, a gardener is NOT going to rake the lawn and flower beds. And if they were willing to take the time to do that...who could afford paying them for all that extra time?
Town has already made it hard enough for us to dispose of the leaves. And, NO, we do not want to mulch the leaves so there is  more decaying debris around the lawn for our shoes and dog to carry into the house. 
Please DO NOT make it more miserable for us by considering this ban of leaf blowers.
From: James
Sent: Tuesday, April 4, 2017 9:39 PM
To: Paul Feiner
Subject: Re: SHOULD THE TOWN BAN LEAF BLOWERS? You tube video discussion ....experiences from Town of Mamaroneck that has the law
Does this also reply to electric blowers? As a senior citizen, I find it easier to use my blower (not often) to reach tight spots where you can't bend.  Also, besides landscapers, would this apply to places like home depot to carry only quieter blowers?  And will these quieter blowers still have the same capabilities? Blowers with a higher noise ratio usually spin faster especially in the mulching department.
Hope this helps. 
From: Jay
Sent: Tuesday, April 4, 2017 9:56 PM
To: Paul Feiner
Subject: Re: SHOULD THE TOWN BAN LEAF BLOWERS? You tube video discussion ....experiences from Town of Mamaroneck that has the law
I would be okay with a ban in June, July, and August. However, it should be lifted for September thru December and for April they May. I literally dispose of 70-80 large paper garbage bags of dead grass and leaves per year. I can't imagine gathering up all that organic material without a leaf blower.
From: Tina
Sent: Tuesday, April 4, 2017 10:01 PM
To: Paul Feiner
Subject: Re: SHOULD THE TOWN BAN LEAF BLOWERS? You tube video discussion ....experiences from Town of Mamaroneck that has the law
I am a homeowner and I don't have any issue with the noise of leaf blowers. They don't take that long to complete their tasks and we all need to be more tolerant and less "privileged"!
I appreciate that these workers are manual laborers who need to have a steady pay to support their families. Creating more seasonality and lulls in their work load isn't fair. Also, to make demands of different methods or equipment will create additional costs.  
This ban is ridiculous and selfish in my opinion. 
Even the Mamaroneck town supervisor admitted that the municipality, County, New York State, utility companies, and school district are exempt from the law.  That reeks of bias. 
From: Edie
Sent: Tuesday, April 4, 2017 9:29 PM
To: Paul Feiner
Subject: Leaf blowers
They don't. Other name at all. What bothers me is unkept lawns. No blowers will add to untidy lawns
From: Cherilyn
Sent: Tuesday, April 4, 2017 9:27 PM
To: Paul Feiner
Subject: Re: SHOULD THE TOWN BAN LEAF BLOWERS? You tube video discussion ....experiences from Town of Mamaroneck that has the law
No. It's a ridiculous suggestion and will increase landscaping costs. 
Sent: Tuesday, April 4, 2017 8:10 PM
To: Paul Feiner
Subject: Leaf Blower Ban
Instead of banning leaf blowers entirely during the summer months, how about limiting them for example Mon-Fri 10-2pm. By banning entirely, it will  either increase my landscapes bill or my property will not continue to be maintained as it is today which makes our neighborhood beautiful.
Just some thoughts
From: shirley
Sent: Tuesday, April 4, 2017 8:21 PM
To: Paul Feiner
Subject: Banning leaf blowers
Dear Paul,
Thank you for sharing the video with the community.  While I am sensitive to the issue, I think banning leaf blowing from June to Sept. is too long!  If you take a ride through Rochambeau Drive, Hartsdale, you will noticed that the neighborhood is enveloped by beautiful tulip trees and chestnut trees.  They shed leafs must earlier than other deciduous trees. We take great pride in the curb appeal of our locality, and frankly, lawn mowers are much more nosier. Why not ban that as well?  
The source of the noise pollutions of our neighborhood is mostly from the motorcycles on Sprain Parkway.  Since our houses are so spread out, leaf blower noise eventually fades in the background.  We get so much yard debris! I don't think this ban should be done unilaterally.  Why impose this issue on everyone!? 
Thank you for your consideration!  
From: Ewa
Sent: Tuesday, April 4, 2017 8:28 PM
To: Paul Feiner
Subject: Re: SHOULD THE TOWN BAN LEAF BLOWERS? You tube video discussion ....experiences from Town of Mamaroneck that has the law
Hello Paul, great topic – thanks for initiating the conversation.
It is really disturbing – the noise of leaf blowers or lawnmawers.. same noise.
I moved to the US from Switzerland where are some clear rules (at least at the canton I was living).
No noise over weekends (Saturday mornings are AWEFULL in Greenburgh!!!), neither between 12-3pm when small kids/older people usually have their afternoon nap.
I believe we could not ban the noise completely but we should agree the noise free time zones… maybe in our case it should be weekends and after 4pm (to allow kids to do their homework…), but that should include all noise making machines.
Best regards
Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2017 6:54 PM
To: Paul Feiner
Subject: Re: SHOULD THE TOWN BAN LEAF BLOWERS? You tube video discussion ....experiences from Town of Mamaroneck that has the law
   Her statement ls regarding blowers being run from 8 to 6 everyday are a bit dramatic dont you think?  I would love someone, i would volunteer, to actually study her block and see for themselves.  Unless the people on her block get their property landscaped everyday which nobody does. Blowers are used for cleanup purposes and from my experience are used for around 10 minutes max.  
  And in NO WAY should anyone be exempt from this should this actually happen.  Even though i dont get a vote and my voice definitely wont matter, I say absolutely not to this!  Some real facts and numbers and stats would be needed for me to see and change my mind.  Let people manage THEIR OWN property how they see fit!
From: Alan
Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2017 6:52 PM
To: Paul Feiner
Subject: Re: SHOULD THE TOWN BAN LEAF BLOWERS? You tube video discussion ....experiences from Town of Mamaroneck that has the law
No the Town should NOT be banning Leaf Blowers It would be a tremendous burden on landscapers and homeowners to do this by Hand and Yes I am sure landscapers would be charging more if this was the case. There is already a noise ban regarding leaf blowers in the morning And landscapers are already charging us almost double for October and November because town stopped picking up leaves and are charging a fee to landscapers for discarding of yard waste Doesn't the town have more important issues to focus on rather than creating more stress for homeowners and crating additional costs for homeowners. As far as  noise for children studying its the summer I do not think this is a major issue please do not Pursue this
From: Craig
Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2017 6:49 PM
To: Paul Feiner
Subject: Re: SHOULD THE TOWN BAN LEAF BLOWERS? You tube video discussion ....experiences from Town of Mamaroneck that has the law
Paul, I really think this is overkill. I live in Mayfair Acres and we have many landscapers who use blowers and I hardly notice them. They will have to raise their monthly fees to continue to do the same job as now as it will take them longer. They do not blow the lawns under normal circumstances - they use the blowers to clean off driveways and adjacent streets. I don't believe they will take the time to clean clippings from streets if they can't use blowers. Also, if it's decided to do this, government entities should be subject to the same ban. Regulations for residents should apply to all.  
Thanks for asking for input. I did not get a chance to watch the YouTube video but I will. 
From: Onnie
Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2017 6:43 PM
To: Paul Feiner
Subject: Leaf blowers
I do not think that we should ban leaf blowers
From: Matt
Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2017 6:14 PM
To: Paul Feiner
Subject: Re: SHOULD THE TOWN BAN LEAF BLOWERS? You tube video discussion ....experiences from Town of Mamaroneck that has the law
Oh please no.  The landscapers have a hard enough job as it is and in making it harder it'll only increase their rates to us.
I work from home most days and I really don't have a problem with the leaf blowers.
I think setting times that they cannot use the leaf blowers would be an acceptable solution.
From: Anne
Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2017 5:53 PM
To: Paul Feiner
Subject: Re: SHOULD THE TOWN BAN LEAF BLOWERS? You tube video discussion ....experiences from Town of Mamaroneck that has the law
Not sure.  They certainly are annoying.  But illegal?
From: Andrew
Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2017 6:02 PM
To: Paul Feiner
Subject: Re: SHOULD THE TOWN BAN LEAF BLOWERS? You tube video discussion ....experiences from Town of Mamaroneck that has the law
Absolutely opposed to the ban.  Whatever nuisance is created is short in duration and offset by property/neighborhood beautification.  Your phraseology also is leading and damaging to legitimate discussion.   "Are residents entitled to clean air?".  I am far more annoyed by dogs that bark after hours than by momentary midday machinery that gets the landscapers off my street in an efficient and timely manner.
I'd also like to say as an Edgemont resident and next door neighbor to tom blank that I am very much on the fence and open to either side on the incorporation issue, but your strategy of attempting to invalidate the petition is foolhardy.   Invalidation does not make your problem go away.  Come up with real hard facts and evidence that we are better off and let's have a real debate.  But the idea that you are taking my tax dollars and paying consultants to invalidate the signatures of my neighbors strikes me as absurd.
Win on the merits, not on a technicality.
From: Seymour
Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2017 6:04 PM
To: Paul Feiner
Subject: Re: SHOULD THE TOWN BAN LEAF BLOWERS? You tube video discussion ....experiences from Town of Mamaroneck that has the law
Ban leaf blowers if the town is prepared to pay my gardener the extra $$$ he's prepared to charge me because it'll take longer to do what he does. 
Hand out ear plugs to those it bothers. 
From: Linda
Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2017 6:08 PM
To: Paul Feiner
Subject: Re: SHOULD THE TOWN BAN LEAF BLOWERS? You tube video discussion ....experiences from Town of Mamaroneck that has the law
I really think the Town Board has better things to spend their time on. 

There are hours the leaf blowers are allowed.  I personally do not own a home (I live in an apt. condo), however, I used to own a home.  Bagging the leaves without leaf blowers will take much longer.  You can count on the landscapers raising their rates as it will take considerably longer for them to collect the leaves.  Then the town doesn't want the leaves loose blowing into the streets. 

Please direct your time and energy to  other things the town could really use like lowering our taxes so families and seniors can afford to stay in Greenburgh.

Thank you for letting everyone know about this issue.

From: Alisa
Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2017 6:10 PM
To: Paul Feiner
Subject: Re: SHOULD THE TOWN BAN LEAF BLOWERS? You tube video discussion ....experiences from Town of Mamaroneck that has the law
Don't ban leaf blowers....the noise is part of the suburban experience. 

Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2017 6:12 PM
To: Paul Feiner
Subject: Re: SHOULD THE TOWN BAN LEAF BLOWERS? You tube video discussion ....experiences from Town of Mamaroneck that has the law
Thank you for soliciting feedback regarding the proposed ban on leaf blowers. I'm a home owner on Dobbs Ferry. I do not support the ban because it would increase the cost of landscaping. I like to keep my property free of debris, and leaf blowers are an important, time saving tool to keep our property neat and clean.
From: Claudia
Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2017 6:22 PM
To: Paul Feiner
Subject: Re: SHOULD THE TOWN BAN LEAF BLOWERS? You tube video discussion ....experiences from Town of Mamaroneck that has the law
Dear Paul:
I looked at the responses from Mamaroneck. I am concerned that a ban would only run to 30 Sept. I would say that 90 per cent of leaves fall after this date so I see the ban as quite useless for that time period only.
From: Michael
Sent: Thursday, April 06, 2017 11:36 AM
To: Paul Feiner
Subject: Re: SHOULD THE TOWN BAN LEAF BLOWERS? You tube video discussion ....experiences from Town of Mamaroneck that has the law
Leaf blowers should not be banned but certainly should have regulations attached. Industry's leaders can help. 
Let me know if you want our input. 
From: Philip
Sent: Thursday, April 06, 2017 12:06 PM
To: Paul Feiner
Subject: Re: SHOULD THE TOWN BAN LEAF BLOWERS? You tube video discussion ....experiences from Town of Mamaroneck that has the law
I am firmly against a town ban of leaf blowers.  I don't care about the Town of Mamaroneck and how they want to live.  I do know that I am to old to sweep my large driveway, patio, and walkway during the spring, summer, and fall months when the trees shed tremendous amounts of leaves.  I think a ban would amount to discrimination toward the older inhabitants of the town. I think this is a disturbing proposal and not properly thought through.
Sent: Thursday, April 06, 2017 10:14 AM
To: Paul Feiner
Subject: Re: SHOULD THE TOWN BAN LEAF BLOWERS? You tube video discussion ....experiences from Town of Mamaroneck that has the law
A few things come to my mind regarding the issue of leaf blowers.   
  Before any legislation I would have a meeting of landscapers and ask what they could do to relieve the problem - for example, don't run the leaf blowers at high speeds and reduce the number running at the same time.  If this makes the job longer we need to be ready for higher prices.  Noise should also be a concern for contractors because they use these devices all day.  Maybe they think we don't care.  I see some of them using earplugs.  We already have a start time in Hartsdale of 8am which helps somewhat.  
  Homeowners contract with lawn maintenance workers so we can tell them what we want done.  A few homeowners can come together and agree on what they want the contractors to do and when. Homeowners can stagger the the time during the day or week when contractors work.  It's not perfect (esp. due to weather) but it helps. The fear is that some homeowners won't care so the individuals who do look to the government to address the problem. When I decided to try a more natural approach to gardening, I told my contractor and he followed my instructions which resulted in a higher costs for materials but that was understood. 
  The issue during the summer is not leaves but blowing grass clippings and other debris from lawns and walk ways which could be done at lower speeds.  I think that lawn contractors have large capital investments in leaf blowers which would be impacted in addition to reducing efficiency, so let's get their input.  Also, this not just a leaf blower issue because the lawn mowers themselves are very noisy so maybe just finding quieter solutions is a better route. I always wondered why mufflers on these products don't reduce the noise more effectively. We'll have to ask a manufacturer. 
From: Erich
Sent: Thursday, April 6, 2017 7:09 AM
To: Paul Feiner
Subject: Re: SHOULD THE TOWN BAN LEAF BLOWERS? You tube video discussion ....experiences from Town of Mamaroneck that has the law
Paul…I’ve thought about this issue a lot, and done quite a bit of research on it.
A few thoughts:
First of all, we should be approaching this in terms of NOISE POLLUTION and QUALITY OF LIFE, not individual instances of noise (e.g., leaf blowers).
For instance, there are several brands of electric leaf blower (small, battery powered), that are designed to be quiet. But gas-powered leaf blowers are certainly very loud and annoying. Why would we ban both?
If we just ban “leaf blowers” we’re not getting at the core issue. The issue is NOISE POLLUTIONS and QUALITY OF LIFE.
The car that illegally removed his muffler, and is tearing up-and-down Ashford ave at 3pm  on Sunday is the issue.
The neighbor using his power washer for hours-on-end, on a nice Wednesday evening is the issue.
The kid sitting in the Walgreens parking lot after school, blasting his music so loud you can hear it miles away is the issue.
The motorcycles that rip up and down the Sprain, BRP, 87 and SMRP are the issue.
And yes…gas powered leaf blowers are an issue, too.
But what all of these things have in common are the LEVELS of noise.
For some things (loud cars, motorcycles, and loud music) should be enforceable at any time. At all times.
But tools needed for work and yard work can be restricted by TIME.
Ardsley, for instance has “yard work hours” for time windows on weekends, especially. I’ve always found that helpful.
Another good option would be to say that Yard SERVICES can only be hired to work on WEEKDAYS, between 9 and 5. And not on evenings and weekends. However, if you do your OWN lawn work…then you can certainly use the weekends.
Again, there are proven, court-admissable ways for us to establish DECIBEL LEVEL rules, and then use accurate, and admissible tools to measure and enforce those laws.
We should pursue these options, because the issue isn’t just “leaf blowers”…it’s noise pollution, and quality of life.
From: Benedetta
Sent: Wednesday, April 5, 2017 10:47 PM
To: Paul Feiner
Subject: Re leaf blowers
First of I want to thank you for doing such a wonderful job as supervisor.   Your dedication and loyalty to the citizenry of Greenburgh is the very model of what public service is all about. 
Regarding the leaf blower suggestions you asked for.  Perhaps we could restrict the use of leaf blowers to Monday though Friday excluding holidays and also limit the time the blowers could operated by private home owners to say 30 minutes a day.  Of course, it would be unfair to allow landscapers to be able the use the blowers for only a half hour but restrict professional to use to during the week. 
Although I work from home three days a week and the sound doesn't bother me much, I could understand others being annoyed.  But then again lawn mowers especially the commercial ones make just about the same amount of noise as leaf blowers do. I just think of it as part of the symphony of suburbia just like the woodpeckers and owls just a lot louder 
Thanks again.  
From: Stephen
Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2017 2:24 PM
To: Paul Feiner
Cc: l
Subject: Leaf Blower
Hi Paul,
I read your email and watched the video.  The unidentified woman from Edgemont ( so concerned where the camera was) didn’t really offer an evidence other than hearsay to support her desire to outlaw leaf blowers during summer months.  She goes on to say that she has a small parcel and her neighborhood is of small land parcels, yet over there in her area Leaf blowers run on any given property for 45 min.  I have a small parcel too and my gardener who has low decibel equipment uses a blower for maybe 15 minutes during the summer months.  She should look into getting a gardener with better skills and equipment. I can recommend mine.
What I do object to is Sunday use of lawn and garden equipment. And use of equipment after 7 PM at all times.  This we can ask the residents of Greenburgh to adhere to. 
The answers from Mamaroneck were incomplete so their laws should not be used to guide Greenburgh.  Sound mitigating technology has improved since their law went into effect back in the 90’s.  They might want to consider changing their law to again permit leaf blowers as skill and technology has improved.
During snow periods you call upon town residents looking for snow angels to help shovel snow for those who cant.  And for Leaves and debris on one’s property will you ask for Lawn Angels?  Will they show up?   You want me to have a heart attack raking leaves?
As for making the Town Exempt from the law well that’s terrible.  What’s good for the goose should be good for the gander.  If an old man like me has to sweep and rake instead of using a leaf blower, then surely a fit and energetic DPW and Parks employee can do the same.
Reminds me of the congressional health plan and the affordable care act.  They get full coverage and all the perks  and the taxpayer gets shafted.
Please don’t shaft the taxpayer.  Ban Sunday use and evening use.  Please
Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2017 2:50 PM
To: Paul Feiner
Subject: Re: SHOULD THE TOWN BAN LEAF BLOWERS? You tube video discussion ....experiences from Town of Mamaroneck that has the law
Dear Paul,
I am a home owner and personally I don't find the use of leaf blowers a major issue warranting a ban.  I have not heard complaints from any of my neighbors on this topic.  May I ask what the town feels so strongly on this topic?
From: Rosita
Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2017 1:49 PM
To: Paul Feiner
Subject: Re: SHOULD THE TOWN BAN LEAF BLOWERS? You tube video discussion ....experiences from Town of Mamaroneck that has the law
No. They should not be banned, we are paying our landscapers to clean our properties, if you ban the use of blowers, who is going to do the clean up? The Town?
From: Mark
Sent: Monday, April 10, 2017 8:12 AM
To: Paul Feiner
Subject: Re: Disappointed about another blower ban
Dear Mr. Feiner,
We are licensed, insured and have up to date licenses in your area.
Some landscaper do not respond because they have less documentation.
You may not get responses from most of the landscape community.
Please hold off until your May meeting, since you gave such little time during the 
high holy days, when people are coming back from Florida (older residents), some schools are off
people will not know because they are on vacations (schools are closed).
I will forward your letter from April 4, to the Landscape Association.
Thank you and hope you are listening.
From: Mark
Date: April 12, 2017 at 10:22:50 PM EDT
To: Paul Feiner <pfeiner@greenburghny.com>
Subject: Noise ordinance in Briarcliff and Pleasantville NY
Dear Mr. Feiner,
Here are the rules in Pleasantville and Briarcliff for noise and complying with
time and rules providing noise times for homeowners.
Please offer this as and alternative to summer blower bans.
The newer machines have lower decimals and less emissions due to regulations.
We have updated all our equipment for that reason.
Let me know if you need any other information.
Village of Briarcliff NY
Village Ordinance Chapter 146
§~146-1. Purpose.  This chapter shall be deemed an exercise of the police power of the State of New York and of the Village of Briarcliff Manor for the protection of the economic and social welfare, health and peace of the people of the Village of Briarcliff Manor, and all its provisions shall be construed for the accomplishment of that purpose.
F. The operation of power lawnmowers, rakers or leaf blowers, or other motor driven lawn or garden equipment between the hours of 8:00 p.m. and 9:00 a.m. prevailing time.
G. Construction work, including but not limited to building, repairing, grading, leveling and excavating, which by causing frequent or long-continued noise shall disturb the comfort or repose of any person residing in the vicinity, at any time other than the following permitted hours: Monday through Friday, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. prevailing time; Saturday, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. prevailing time. There shall be no construction work permitted on Sundays and federal holidays. [Amended 6-15-2006 by L.L. No. 7-2006]
H. Blasting and rock drilling, where permitted by law, between the hours of 5:00 p.m. and 9:00 a.m. prevailing time, on weekdays and all 24 hours on Saturdays, Sundays and federal holidays. [Amended 1-16-2003 by L.L. No. 1-2003]
Village of Pleasantville NY
Chapter 123:Noise
[HISTORY: Adopted by the Village Board of Trustees of the Village of Pleasantville 8-28-1989 by L.L. No. 15-1989; amended in its entirety 4-13-1992 by L.L. No. 2-1992. Subsequent amendments noted where applicable.]
To operate or use any tools, pile driver, pneumatic hammer, tractor, derrick, electrical hoist, gasoline- or electric-powered saw or other mechanical apparatus or equipment, the use of which is attended by noise, between the hours of 7:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. the following day or at any time on Sunday. The use and operation of lawn mowers, leaf blowers and all similar machines deployed for outdoor property maintenance is prohibited between the hours of 7:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. Monday through Friday, and 7:00 p.m. through 9:00 a.m. on weekends and federally recognized holidays.
[Amended 11-14-2005 by L.L. No. 9-2005]
From: Eric
Sent: Monday, April 10, 2017 8:38 AM
To: Paul Feiner
Subject: Leaf Blower Ban-Oppossed
Hello Mr Feiner,
You have solicited responses on a possibly ban on leaf blowers by the Town.  As a resident of Unincorporated Greenburgh I am firmly AGAINST any leaf blower ban imposed by the town.  I already pay enough to have my lawn done and I'm sure this would result in a substanial increase in pricing by the landscaping companies.  I believe that this is a clear case of government overreach.  Thank you.
From: Jeanmarie
Sent: Sunday, April 9, 2017 5:09 PM
To: Paul Feiner
Subject: Leaf Blower
Mr. Feiner,
I think we are all adults in this town. I don't feel that the town government should step in on an issue which could easily be solved amicably between neighbors, especially when so much else goes undone.
Please allow our landscapers to use leaf blowers! We do not need to incur any more costs from our landscapers.
From: Judith
Sent: Sunday, April 9, 2017 10:56 PM
To: Paul Feiner
Subject: Lawn blowers - NO BAN
Dear Mr. Feiner, 
I was notified of the potential ban on gas leaf blowers. This would be a horrible ban. The noise and gas emissions are nominal compared to the danger of tree and gutter debris that would not be efficiently or effectively cleaned up during the summer months. Children and elderly people would be the most effected, which is completely unfair to us all. 
Do not pass the ban!
From: Frank
Sent: Friday, April 7, 2017 9:28 AM
To: Paul Feiner
Subject: RE: SHOULD THE TOWN BAN LEAF BLOWERS? You tube video discussion ....experiences from Town of Mamaroneck that has the law
There are so many other laws not being enforced like the illegal apartments that have sprung up all over town.
Work on getting rid of them first and worry about leaf blowers later on.
From: Carolyn
Sent: Thursday, April 06, 2017 1:34 PM
To: Paul Feiner
Subject: Re: SHOULD THE TOWN BAN LEAF BLOWERS? You tube video discussion ....experiences from Town of Mamaroneck that has the law
Hello Paul,
The leaf blowers do not bother me.  Its not that they are blowing everyday or all day.  Why does it bother people.  Do they want the landscapers to rake all these leaves.  Is this another way to put people out of business by making them buy more equipment.  The U.S. is getting greedier by the minute.  Carolyn
From: Elena
Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2017 12:17 PM
To: Paul Feiner
Subject: Re: SHOULD THE TOWN BAN LEAF BLOWERS? You tube video discussion ....experiences from Town of Mamaroneck that has the law
What about electric powered leaf blowers? They don't make as much noise.
From: Josh
Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2017 5:57 PM
To: Paul Feiner
Subject: Leaf Blowers
We just moved to a large property and if our landscaper can't blow the leafs they will increase their costs which we can't afford.
I think a hybrid of certain quiet hours (no sunday? not before 10am and not after 4pm? every other day?) but allow them to work.
My bigger concern is lawnmowers-- they are louder and the same rules should apply
From: Kelley
Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2017 6:19 PM
To: Paul Feiner
Subject: Re: SHOULD THE TOWN BAN LEAF BLOWERS? You tube video discussion ....experiences from Town of Mamaroneck that has the law
Hi Paul,
Very interesting. I've never considered this a thought. However I can say during the non-fall months landscapers have woken me up on numerous weekend mornings before 8AM. Whether it's a leaf blower or not, i wouldn't be able to tell you. Sometimes probably yes, other times it's probably a lawn mower. 
What would I REALLY like to see some take action on to enforce? Using automatic lawn sprinklers when it's raining/has just rained/is going to rain. What a waste of water and how non-environment friendly. 
From: Mark
Sent: Sunday, April 9, 2017 4:55 PM
To: Paul Feiner
Subject: Disappointed about another blower ban
Dear Mr Feiner,
I am spending my Palm Sunday telling my customers about your new law that will 
greatly impact our business. We try to maintain our house in Greenburg but it is getting harder and harder to do business. Every year we have to raise prices to incorporate the cost of dumping leaves, vacuuming leaves, dump permits and coupon to dump in each town. The cost of cleanups are expensive because of your town (which includes Hastings, Dobbs Ferry, Irvington, Ardsley, Hartsdale and Scarsdale.) It is a big impact on our industry, to remove the leaves and its past on to the taxpayer. Just before the high holy days I have to send a notice out about your new blower ban. Most customers are visiting their relatives in Florida, or going to Temple or Church. Not looking at emails from their landscaper. So maybe you should hold of til the May meeting.
Many of my customers are elderly, and they can not afford to slip on egg corns, leaves or debris that fall from the trees on their property.
As for Mamaroneck, I have 2 customers in this town and my guys got caught blowing off their property and I have to go sit in court for hours to wait to be called
to get a fine of whatever they feel like. The code enforcement agents follow the trucks in Yonkers & Mamaroneck to make their ticket quota. 
In Yonkers, the fine for using a blower is $250, you must go to court to see the judge. 
I have a 90 year old lady Mrs. Alongi, begs my guys to blow the egg corns so she does not fall, and I get a ticket.
We have bought the electric blowers $700 it last 20 minutes and it needs to be charged. They have no power to blow egg corns. Its a waste of time and money.
Today's blowers due to new regulations have much lower decibels and less emissions then a few years ago, but the towns are looking for money with permits, dump fee and now tickets. Next they will ban your snow blower, your chain saw, your lawn mower.
Mulching mowers, don't work well for people with a lot of leaves, and it leaves the lawn with clumps. Most of the homes in Greenburgh can not be mulched.
Remember Westchester county is one of the highest taxed county in the country and you are forcing the elderly out of their homes. 
As for the municipalities, utilities and schools they can us blowers, why hurt small business.
Blower ban, permits, DOT, BIC, DEC, all impact the services we provide, all for greed in Albany. 
Thank you for your time.
Maybe hold off until Mays meeting I will send this letter out again with our bills.
MG's Lawn Green, Inc.
Letters sent to my customers in the Greenburgh area.
Thank you for your last minute help in contacting your town officials regarding the new blower ban during the summer months from June 1 - September 30. 
In 2013 Town of Greenburgh- No leaf pickup at curb during Spring and Fall (taxpayers have to pay more to take leaves away) New permits & fees for Landscapers.
2017-Town of Greenburgh -No blowers during the summer June-Oct.1.(being decided now) 
The towns are looking to make money by restricting the use of blower at the expense of their taxpayers. Residents, landscaper, tree companies will have to go to court, & wait for the judge to decide the cost of ticket, which could be up to $250.00 in fines. 
This will impact your service, because we cannot use blowers during this period to blow the clippings, egg corns, storm & drought debris. It can be dangerous for the our elderly clients.
We try to limit the use of the blowers but this does not help us to do a better & more efficient job at your home.
Electric Blowers are expensive and their batteries last 20 minutes, they do not work well and the job will take much longer. 
Mulching mowers, don't work well for people with a lot of leaves, and it leaves the lawn with clumps. 
Your municipalities, schools, utilities, and government offices do not have to comply with the new law, but small businesses must keep track of each towns rules.
Today's blowers due to new regulations have much lower decibels and less emissions then a few years ago, but the towns are looking for money with permits, dump fee and now tickets. Next they will ban your snow blower, your chain saw, your lawn mower.
Sorry to bother you on this beautiful day, but your voices need to be heard.
Please send a letter to Mr. Paul Feiner  pfeiner@greenburghny.com before 
April 17. opposing this new ban.
Thank you for your help and let your voices be heard.
Gina and Mark Difabio
Greenburgh: includes Hastings, Ardsley, Dobbs Ferry, Hartsdale, Elmsford, Scarsdale and Irvington.

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